Tuesday, September 4, 2012

That's Scrap Fabric Blade Blog Hop!!

Welcome to the That's Scrap Fabric Blade Blog Hop!   The hop started September 1st and ends on September 15th, with a winner being announced on the 16th.  

Sherri of That's Scrap. Inc will be giving away a great prize for one lucky participant. You will need to post at least one challenge project on the Silver Bullet Facebook Photo Album page here: FaceBook Album and leave a comment on each participating blog for a chance to win. When you post your challenge project, please make sure to say which blog was the inspiration.  There is a complete list of Hop Along blogs at the bottom of this post.

We will be using our Silver Bullet Professional Cutters in combination with the Fabric Blade we obtained from Sherri at That's Scrap Inc. We felt it would be fun to use this...not so well known blade...and give you some FUN ways it can be used to create cool projects!!! You can use whatever cutter you own...and if your blade holders use the Roland TYPE blades...the Fabric Blade should work in your holder... so you can play along!!!!
I was going to make a throw pillow and monogram an initial on it.  But while on a shopping trip to Joanns they had a cart of 70% off stuff at the door.  I needed an ironing board and there was this little cute green one, but it was so plain. 
Walking through the fabric and looking I found this really cool beachy flowery looking material and an idea struck, the ironing board reminded me of a surf board. So I decided to decorate with this cute material and turn my ironing board into a surf board... 

I cut the material on the Silver Bullet.  And used the new silver bullet cutting mat.  It cut so easy and in one pass. 

Ok so here is the little ironing board before

Here is the finished board.  I thought I had gotten the right stuff to iron this to the board, but didn't work out that way.  So I used the ivy hollow glue and glued it down and it's still there after ironing on top of it. 
OK so now go check out all the other blogs and the great things these ladies have made. 

Penny Duncan



Anonymous said...

Girl this is SUPER SUPER cute!!! I LOVE the idea of altering an ironing board cover!!!!! Very clever!!!

Unknown said...

Such a cute idea. Love what you did with your iron board.

Lisa Howell said...

What an absolutely awesome project!!! Wouldn't mind ironing as much if mine was that cute. ;-)

Retta said...

Love Love Love the new blog look. I also love the surfboard!!! This is great!!!!

Thanks for doing this. I wish you did my blog!!! LOL

Anonymous said...

what an awesome idea!!!!! thanks for sharing with us!!!

Elizabeth said...

I love this Rhonda! What a terrifically fun idea! Thanks for sharing it.

Rhonda said...

Thank you ladies, it was a lot of fun to make and super easy.

Jun Bug House said...

You did great.
And even if it didn't work the way you thought it would or should, it is still awesome!

CeCeCreates said...

That is a great idea. Very creative